What is the PE & Sport Premium Funding for Primary Schools?
Schools should use the PE and Sport Premium funding to support children to live healthy active lives and to help them to meet The Chief Medical Officer's Guidelines that all children and young people take part in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day, with the recommendation for disabled children and young people being 20 minutes of physical activity per day.
The Department for Education (DfE) wants all children to have equal access to high-quality PE provision and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. Schools should aim to provide high-quality PE and sport for at least 2 hours a week, complemented by a wide range of extracurricular sport and competitive opportunities. By providing this it can help improve children's health and wellbeing, personal development as well as academic attainment.
The funding is to be used to meet these aims and must not be used for core-type school activities. Schools should use it to:
- make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, Sport and Physical Activity they provide
- provide or improve equal access to sport for boys and girls
- ensure teachers have the relevant skills and knowledge to confidently teach PE in a structured way, prioritising continued professional development (CPD) and training where needed
Effective ways to spend the premium
t is important that schools make the most effective use of the premium. To best achieve this, spending should focus on making improvements in 5 key areas, to assist in:
- increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sporting activities
- increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sporting activities
- raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
- offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
- increasing participation in competitive sport
Digital Tool
From July 2025, all schools must complete the digital reporting form. The digital form outlines how the school has used its PE and Sport Premium and the impact it has had on achieving the aims and objectives of the funding.
The digital form contains a series of questions and free text boxes. Schools can enter details on how the PE and Sport Premium has been used to make improvements in the 5 key areas highlighted above. It can also be used to generate the necessary online report. The information gathered includes:
- figures on the overall spend
- what the funding has been spent on
- whether there is any unspent funding
- swimming and water safety attainment
The digital form will go live during May or June 2025, and will remain open until 31st July 2025. To allow for comparisons to be made, when publishing the digital form download, schools should retain the previous year's written report on the school's website.
Evaluation Form
We have developed an evaluation form for schools to use to plan and record how they use the PE and sport premium throughout the year in readiness of completing the digital reporting tool at the end of the school year. Please click on the following link.
Evaluation Form 2024-2025 (MS Word, 47 Kb)