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Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

LADO's have responsibility for overseeing allegations about individuals who work with children

The majority of people who work with children act professionally and aim to provide a safe and supportive environment for them.

However, sometimes the behaviour of others who work or volunteer with children and young people can result in allegations being made against them, including people in a Position of Trust, ie, coach or team manager. It is never acceptable for an adult in a position of trust to harm a child or young person and therefore allegations or concerns about behaviour raised about staff, workers or volunteers in relation to children are taken seriously.

The Local Authority Designated Officer is responsible for overseeing allegations about individuals who work with children and young people. The work can be paid, unpaid or voluntary. A concern can be in relation to the person's behaviour at work or outside of their workplace. The Local Authority Designated Officer may not be able share specific information regarding the alleged person involved yet will ensure that a named individual will keep you informed throughout the process.

For more information about the role the Local Authority Designated Officer plays in sport please visit:

Your local LADO contact:

Bedford Borough Council - 01234 276693 - Lado@bedford.gov.uk

Central Bedfordshire Council - 0300 300 8142 - LADO@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Luton Borough Council - 01582 548069 - LADO@luton.gov.uk