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Community Resilience Young People Mentor

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Community Resilience Young People Mentor

Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership are looking to recruit full time and part time posts to support Young People aged between 8-25 years old with a young person-centred relationship-based approach to supporting Young People.

Wellington, TA21 9JQ
Contact Name
Laura Dyke
Contact Email

About Community Resilience Young People Mentor

Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership are looking to recruit full time and part time posts to support Young People aged between 8-25 years old with a young person-centred relationship-based approach to supporting Young People. Our Community Resilience Team support young people through sport and physical activities who have had adverse childhood experiences through difficult family or school experiences, may be at risk of or involved with school exclusion, school refusal, anti-social or criminal behaviour or need support to improve the way they manage their mental health conditions.

Our work supports children, young people and young adults to foster a more positive view of themselves, raise aspirations and provide safe, fun and purposeful environments for them to enjoy, make new friends, feel more independent and engage positively with their communities.

Personal Specification: We are particularly interested in recruiting individuals who have a deep understanding of the difficulties that some of these children and young people face and some knowledge around Adverse Childhood Experiences and the impact of trauma. Experience of this either on a personal basis, through work or volunteering is essential. We are looking for people who value the important role sport and activity can play in developing Young People's self-worth, esteem and resilience. All mentors will be given training in restorative practice, first aid, safeguarding etc.

Owing to the nature of this position, any offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory [Basic / Standard / Enhanced DBS check].

For more information, or to obtain a full job description, person specification and application form please visit https://www.sasp.co.uk/jobs

Deadline for applications: Friday 28th February 2025

Interview Date: TBC as applications come in.

Supporting Documents:

Job Description CRYPM (PDF, 305.7 Kb)

Person Specification CRYPM (PDF, 210 Kb)

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