Taking part in sport should be fun and enjoyable and, if they feel safe, they are more likely to thrive.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and young people through sport or physical activity has a responsibility for safeguarding and child protection. Safeguarding in sport means protecting children and young people from abuse, preventing harm and promoting their wellbeing.
Policies and Procedures to Safeguard
For sports clubs and organisations this means having:
It is important that sports coaches and leaders:
- know how to recognise the signs of abuse
- have the confidence to challenge poor practice, and
- are able to respond appropriately to concerns – including understanding what steps they should take to report and record concerns
....and that coaches and managers recognise they are in a Position of Trust
Someone in the position of trust is a person in position of authority or responsibility over another person. Those in positions of trust have a considerable amount of power and influence on a young person's life For example, a young person may be dependent on their coach/manager or other to support their sporting development, success or position in a club. For more information please visit:
There has been some recent and Important changes to a position of trust within sport the changes have extended the settings and roles where it is illegal for an adult holding a position of trust to enter into a sexual relationship with a 16 or 17 year old in their care. We hope that this will extend legal protection for young people aged 16 and 17 who are abused by those in positions of trust, ie, coaches and manager.
For more information about their changes please visit:
Be Active Courses and Workshops
Be Active regularly run a variety of courses around Bedfordshire to support Club compliance. Please click here to find out what is currently available.
For the full range of children/young people and adult courses delivered by UK Coaching please click here
National Governing Body Guidance -
The NSPCC & Ann Craft Trust
Many national governing bodies (NGBs) provide detailed guidance and templates about safeguarding policies and procedures for affiliated clubs, individuals and organisations to adopt and apply.
The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) provides expert safeguarding and child protection advice to help sports organisations develop and implement responses, policies and procedures, systems and structures for safeguarding.
This short videos provides an excellent insight of safeguarding in sport: https://youtu.be/0WAoliBvKFQ
For protecting adults with sport please visit: https://www.anncrafttrust.org/safeguarding-adults-sport-activity/
Other Useful Resources
Sport England's Buddle has information, tools and templates to help you comply with legal requirements, safeguarding policies and procedures, manage safeguarding concerns and train staff and volunteers.
SPORTED are a UK wide charity promoting fairness and equity for young people through grassroots and physical activity.
To advertise your club or sessions please visit the Bedfordshire Activity Finder which is a sports technology platform used by organisations and activity providers to manage sport and physical activity online.
UK Coaching connects, assists, represents and empowers all coaches. Whatever your sport, whatever your background, whatever your level, including sports coaches; exercise trainers; sports instructors; activity leaders; volunteers; community sports leaders; coach developers; parent helpers and teachers.
Play their Way aims to kick-start a movement of child-first coaches, organisations and people changing the game from the ground up.
NWG Network's Safe to Play - a campaign developed in partnership with Sport England, encouraging parents, coaches and children to know the signs that something isn't right and have the confidence to report it.