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Be Active Local

Our place-based approach to tackling inequalities and reducing inactivity across Bedfordshire

Making an Impact Where Needs are Greatest

Be Active Local is a place-based approach to tackling inequalities and reducing inactivity in specific areas across geographical Bedfordshire. This approach begun in April 2021 to identify what is strong in the areas and then recognise the need of communities to engage more people in an active lifestyle.

Working in partnership with the respective local authorities, Be Active Local will also involve those living and working in the target areas. This enables Be Active Local to respond to local needs and targeting where support, intervention or extra capacity is needed to create a more joined-up approach to tackling inactivity.

By identifying needs and understanding relationships in the areas, this helps build a partnership between individuals and organisations that know their communities best. The aim is to develop communities where physical activity and sport is valued and accessible, particularly those with least opportunity due to inequality.

Each area has a Be Active Local Ambassadors, please contact them for any local support via the pages below.